Printmaking Blogs

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The sheer joy of completing a multi plate print. Lizzie used drypoint for the line and pastel medium to create the tonal values. She splattered and painted the pastel medium onto acrylic sheets (from Bunnings) and inked up using etching ink. The registration was achieved by locking the paper under the roller on the press.
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The class of 2012. A little nostalgia for all you Basil Hall fans... he is coming back! Watch this space for details of the 2013 etching workshop.
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Keeping it simple is sometimes the way to go. Cat is proofing the lino print she has been cutting out for the last few weeks. The elegance of her cutting style shows through in the simple black and white proof she produced.
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Susie has a moment. The liquid tusche background creates quite a stir  in the Thursday night print class. Everyone eventually gets their 10 minutes of fame.
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Lizzie experiments with drypoint combined with some other technique she made up herself. You would need to ask her about that.
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